Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Weight liftingSteve Holman, author and creator of the F4X Workout Plan and the book, Old School, New Body, was the editor-in-chief of the Iron Man Magazine, a leader in the fitness magazines for many years now. He has met and worked with the most professional of gym and fitness trainers, and along with his wife, Becky, developed a work out plan that is healthy, time saving, and can make you look a decade younger than you are. It is specifically targeted for individuals ages 35 and up (but is recommended for any age), and is guaranteed to show a difference in just a matter of days!
The book is compiled of  information that has appeared in Iron Man over the last several years, and of knowledge gained from working with professional fitness trainers that have trained the best of the best, like Clint Eastwood, Carl Weathers (Apollo Creed from the Rocky movies) and Suzanne Summers. The book includes workouts, a nutrition plan, and action steps to take in order to start the process. This is an intense but time-saving and healthy way to slow down the aging process, build and shape muscle, and become healthier.
This workout program is built similarly for men and women. Steve and his wife Becky swear that men and women can, and should, work out in the same way. No need to work out separately or do different exercises.
There are 5 common mistakes to avoid if you want to slow down the aging process and achieve your dream body:
1. Stop The Diets!  Stop eating those low-fat foods that keep being advertised as “healthy” for you. Your body needs fat in order to run correctly! Healthy fats are necessary to regenerate your power hormones! For example, testosterone -the strength hormone- is a direct result of cholesterol and dietary fat intake! You need these fats and cholesterol to make all of your hormones so it is important not to cut all of them completely out of your diet! Also, if you’re constantly counting all those calories and eating only low fat, you cannot enjoy eating out! Worrying yourself to death will definitely not make you look younger.
2. Quit your crazy long cardio workouts! – Cardiovascular conditioning can be achieved in far less time and with less effort than those long gym classes and hours on the treadmill. In fact, running on the treadmill and other long bouts of cardio work outs can actually accelerate the aging process by increasing free radicals in your body (explanation below) and there are far smarter ways to exercise.
Free radicals are like robbers that are deficient in energy. They attack and snatch energy from the other cells to satisfy themselves. Exercise releases free radicals, but when you exercise for a short amount of time, a smaller amount are released and the body can take care of them and prevent damage. But when you do long, extended work outs, free radical damage is out of controlwhich speeds up the aging process!
3. Stop blaming everything on your age! Studies have shown that even people in their 90s have been able to gain muscle tone in less than a month with some lifting exercises. People can change their bodies at any age, from 25 to 95!  You should constantly challenge yourself because it’s the challenge and the constant work towards improvement that keeps you young! And what better challenge is there than staying fit and healthy?
4. Drink More Water! Water not only hydrates you and keeps you healthy-it also burns fat! Water suppresses hunger and keeps your liver and kidneys healthy. Just drinking a dozen ounces a day will drop years from your face by keeping your skin hydrated and healthy! Fun fact: Your liver is the number one fat-burning organ. When you are not drinking enough water, your kidneys stop working and your liver takes over. Do you really want your liver processing water instead of burning fat? Of course not! So start drinking and keep drinking that water to keep everything in your body functioning as it should!
5. Work out LESS! Steve and Becky are not saying to stop working out. They are just saying that you should go by the old-school resistance training instead of the hours upon hours of cardio classes like spinning and kickboxing. This resistance-training program includes just four specific exercises that will have you done with your workout while others at the gym are just warming up!
The Holmans’ program, called the F4X Protocol (which stands for Focus4 Exercise), has three phases. The first phase focuses on becoming lean. Steve and Becky describe how to change your movements and your nutritional diet, with only slight variation, in order to lose weight and become leaner. Just follow their simple steps and meal plan. According to Steve, many people stop here because it is just enough for them. But hold on – there are Phases 2 and 3! Phase 2 is called “Shape” and focuses on reshaping or improving your muscle build. It shifts your work out and nutritional plan slightly –nothing major – in order to shift the focus to muscle building from just the lean weight loss in phase one. The last phase is more for the body builder –but not for the people looking for the insane “Hulk” look. This is for “mini body builders” who want to build their frame with 15 to 20 lbs more muscle and look fit. This involves some more tweaking to the work out and diet plan, but nothing too major.
With these tweaks and recommendations, and an exact exercise plan that allows you to gain control of what you want to change and improve, you can get the body of your dreams and look much younger, not to mention feel healthier, with the “Old School, New Body” e-book. This book is very easily accessibly in e-book format, which makes it easy to read on your commute to work, or at your computer at home, or even on your tablet! It saves you a lot of money because it gives you simple exercises to do at home. You don’t have to pay for your all inclusive cardio/spin/kickboxing classes. You no longer have to buy the 90 minute workout DVDs to work out in your living room! You can save all that, and just buy this simple book with straightforward instructions and even a meal plan to help you reach your goal weight and body shape.
The motto of this book, and of these two authors, is “Make it Simple, Yet Make It Challenging”. They have seen all of those crazy fads, diets, and workout plans you can find in magazines like Cosmopolitan for women and GQ for men. The time has come to forget all of those confusing, messy, and at times conflicting messages and go for this straightforward, tested and true method that professionals have been using for years!
Steve and Becky are testimony to their own workout plan, but if you try it and do not see a significant change, there is a money back guarantee. You also get a series of John Crowley audio lectures by top of the line fitness professionals for free upon purchase the book! So really, what have you got to lose?

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