Saturday, March 22, 2014

Malaysia seeks US undersea equipment for plane search

Flight Lt. Russell Adams, who piloted the P-3 Orion search and rescue aircraft, speaks to the media after he returned from their search operation for the missing Malaysian jetliner at Pearce Airbase near Perth.
US defence chief Chuck Hagel assured Malaysia he would consider providing undersea surveillance equipment to boost efforts to locate a Malaysian jet that mysteriously disappeared two weeks ago, Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said on Saturday.
“Spoke with Secretary Hagel — the second time in four days — very positive,” Mr. Hishammuddin tweeted.
Pentagon press secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby confirmed Mr. Hishammuddin talked with Mr. Hagel about the search for the Beijing-bound flight MH370.
“Minister Hishammuddin thanked Secretary Hagel for the support being provided by the United States, particularly that of the US Navy, and requested that the US consider providing some undersea surveillance equipment as well,” he said.
“Secretary Hagel assured Minister Hishammuddin that he would assess the availability and utility of military undersea technology for such a task and provide him an update in the very near future.”
Australia is leading dozens of ships and aircraft in scouring a 23,000 sqkm patch of the southern Indian Ocean for possible debris from a missing Malaysia Airlines plane.

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