Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Microsoft Announces Leadership Changes, Two Execs On Way Out

Two Microsoft execs are on their way out, following a change in leadership by CEO Satya Nadella
Changes are happening to Microsoft’s leadership team, which has led to two of the company’s executives deciding now is the time to take their leave.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced the coming changes in an email sent to all employees –Microsoft published the email today for the public to read themselves.
The two execs primed to leave Microsoft are EVP of Business Development and Evangelism Tony Bates and EVP of Marketing Tami Reller. Bates joined Microsoft in 2011 after it acquired Skype (where he was CEO), while Reller has been with the company since 2001 and worked in a number of jobs, including the Windows and Product and Services Divisions.
Current EVP of Advanced Strategy Eric Rudder will be a temporary replacement for Bates, and Chris Capossela, who has held senior marketing roles at Microsoft for years now, will step in for Reller. Capossela will also oversee all advertising duties, as Mark Penn gets a slight nudge from EVP of Advertising and Strategy to just EVP of Strategy.
According to Re/code, the departures of Bates and Reller shouldn’t come as big surprises. Bates was once in the running for the CEO position, though since Nadella was chosen, it makes sense for the exec to now express a desire to leave.
Teller, meanwhile, had issues stemming from sharing management duties with former CEO Steve Ballmer, which became increasingly more problematic.
More shifts are expected to occur at Microsoft under the new CEO, who says that having a Senior Leadership Team that’s capable of setting “both pace and example” is important.
“As a company, as a leadership team, as individuals, that is our goal – to find our swing. As an SLT and across the company we are on our way,” said Nadella.

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