It is definitely not an easy job to work with the big names of Bollywood like the legendary Amitabh Bachchan. Bollywood's gorgeous and lanky beauty Deepika Padukone revealed how nervous she was while she faced the camera alongside Amitabh Bachchan in the movie Aarakshan.
Celebrating Indian Cinema- 2011
“He (Amitabh Bachchan) made me very, very comfortable. However, even as the camera is rolling and you are mouthing your dialogues, you are constantly wondering if he is judging your performance. Really, it is indeed a big deal to be actually looking into his eyes and mouthing your dialogues. Trust me, it isn’t easy,” Deepika told the media.
Celebrating Indian Cinema- 2011
“He (Amitabh Bachchan) made me very, very comfortable. However, even as the camera is rolling and you are mouthing your dialogues, you are constantly wondering if he is judging your performance. Really, it is indeed a big deal to be actually looking into his eyes and mouthing your dialogues. Trust me, it isn’t easy,” Deepika told the media.
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