Ajith Kumar has wrapped the the final schedule of his upcoming Tamil movie Billa 2. The filming of the movie has been completed in less than 100 days.
Sources say that the film unit has returned from Georgia after shooting the climax portion of Billa 2. It is said that the last part has been filmed in a rich manner. The forthcoming flick has been shot in Goa, Pondicherry and several foreign countries.
The post-production works have been started and the movie bosses want to release the movie at the earliest. Directed by Chakrti Toleti, Billa 2 also stars Parvathy Omanakuttan and Bruna Abdullah in the lead roles.
Sources say that the film unit has returned from Georgia after shooting the climax portion of Billa 2. It is said that the last part has been filmed in a rich manner. The forthcoming flick has been shot in Goa, Pondicherry and several foreign countries.
The post-production works have been started and the movie bosses want to release the movie at the earliest. Directed by Chakrti Toleti, Billa 2 also stars Parvathy Omanakuttan and Bruna Abdullah in the lead roles.
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