Vishnuvardhan's forthcoming Telugu movie Panjaa with Pawan Kalyan in the lead seems to have attracted Ajith Kumar. Rumour mills are working overtime claiming that the Billa director's movie, which is releasing in December, will be remade in Tamil with Thala enacting the role played by the Telugu superstar.
Reports say that Vishnuvardhan, who recently announced his future plans with Ajith Kumar, is likely to remake Panjaa in the Kollywood. Though, there were reports that Panjaa would be dubbed in Tamil, the movie bosses have dropped the plans of it considering the low demand for the dubbed versions in Tamil Nadu.
The Tamil version of Panjaa is reportedly produced by AM Rathnam. But sources also claim that if the Telugu film fails, then Ajith-Vishnuvardhan might have a second thought about the project.
Pawan Kalyan, Sarah Jane Dias and Anjali Lavania is a stylish action entertainer, which is being hyped as gangster classic. The audio and the trailer have become a rage in the Telugu film industry. It will hit the screens on December 9.
Reports say that Vishnuvardhan, who recently announced his future plans with Ajith Kumar, is likely to remake Panjaa in the Kollywood. Though, there were reports that Panjaa would be dubbed in Tamil, the movie bosses have dropped the plans of it considering the low demand for the dubbed versions in Tamil Nadu.
The Tamil version of Panjaa is reportedly produced by AM Rathnam. But sources also claim that if the Telugu film fails, then Ajith-Vishnuvardhan might have a second thought about the project.
Pawan Kalyan, Sarah Jane Dias and Anjali Lavania is a stylish action entertainer, which is being hyped as gangster classic. The audio and the trailer have become a rage in the Telugu film industry. It will hit the screens on December 9.
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